This is a good article to read who want to make a remote access


Thank to the app developer


Finally, I have made a simple software using Visual Basic (2015) to monitor Envoy Remotly.

I have attached a source code in this article.


Prepare Remote Access Method


(1) Router Port Forward If needed

   * I am using 80 port for this web server, so, I have forward 180 to 80 to Envoy which has connected via WiFi

   * It makes me to connect on Envoy Web interface remotely


(2) I am getting inverter informaiton


   * xxxxxx = last six digit of sserial number of your envoy

   * = it is my home router domain, you can use IP address or your own domain


(3) I am getting meter information


   * = it is my home router domain, you can use IP address or your own domain

This software is not completed yet, I just upload back-born for testing, now


ToDo :

          * configuration window

          * data logging into DB

          * create static web page for my web server, and upload





02/19/2020 20:14 (*.194.218.35)

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