Have to watch this video ~ Really ~ Really important
Most solar users are fooled by the micro inverter company,
Their advertizing is a fake ~
String Inverter
The pannel has connected in series. when some panel has shaded, it will affect on VOLTAGE not current. so, and, power will be by-passed on the the shade panel, total power output will be 100-100-100-50, the drawing for string inverter is 100% fake, or they just ignore the role of by-pass dioe,
Micro Inverter
when partial shading, it will reduce the voltage not current, and there are 3 or 4 sections in a panel, and each section has by-passed using a diode. if the panel has 3 sections (60-72 cell), voltage will drop to 2/3 level. Even shade a SINGLE cell. if 36~39V system voltage drop to 2/3, the votlage output with the same current will be 24~26V. UNFOTUNATELY, most micro inverter need higher than 27V, effectively 29~30V. So, Even 1 CELL has shaded, MI will just output 5-10% power which has generated by the diffusion light. so, 100-100-100-10 are the correct otuput in the drawing.
NEVER FOOLED, Practically, String inverter will ouptut more than 99% of MI system, even better long term.
If someone ask, when MI system is better ?
I want to say when have small sections. you need at least 6+ panels for start-up and 8~12 panels for the best efficiency in a section (similar light condition). and, the most string inverter has 2~4 MPPT line. if there the section size is less than 6, can not use the section in case of string inverter. and, if the section number is more than 4, need multiple inverters. example,
BUT, micro inverter system free from this requirments.
It is the real advantage of micro-inverter system,
Any other explanations are 99% BS